Meet Kristina Zumpolle

Founder, Executive coach, Facilitator, Keynote speaker

Founder of Zumflow, Kristina is a no nonsense coach. Workshop leader and facilitator, Kristina has worked successfully with executives and teams across a variety of industries and countries. Her broad cultural and professional experiences have shaped her expansive and innovative coaching style. Kristina views each client as a burgeoning success and makes it her work to help them see their own potential.

“When you let go, things start to flow”

Kristina is a vibrant, positive and a glass half full kind of coach. Never one to shy away from a challenge, she works constantly to better herself so she can support her clients’ personal growth and of those around her.

She holds a BA in International Business Studies, is an accredited Coach (Coaches Training Institute) and Certified Practitioner of The Leadership Circle Profile Assessment Tool. Kristina was also selected as one of the TOP 10 professional coaches in Amsterdam 2023 by The Forbetter Institute.

Kristina has personally worked with PVH, Nike, Worldline, Foot Locker, Totallux, Rabo Private Equity, NOS, Telia, BASF, RTL , SEB,  Heineken, Liberty Global, Sanoma, ABN Amro, PWC, Holland Capital, Ingenico and more.